Ripples In Reality

Changing reality is a difficult process, it is very easy to mess up. Take James for example, he wanted to make his girlfriend Anna into a trophy wife. So he changed reality to make it happen. He was admittedly smarter than most, he knew he couldn’t just make her decide to change her entire outlook from being a driven career woman to a submissive image obsessed trophy wife. The paradoxes would cause no end of issues and he would have to keep altering things to make everything fit. But that ends up with you constantly plugging holes, making the whole thing much more stressful than it needs to be.
So James went back further and deeper, he made it so being a pampered, beautiful trophy wife was all she had ever wanted. That way everyone around would accept the change and there would be no paradoxes.
James didn’t account for the fact that each time you change reality it creates ripples, these are just a sciency name for the effects of the change. Now that is okay if you alter the present, but going back and altering the past. That causes the ripples to grow because the further you go back the more things change as a result of the alteration to reality.
The change in Anna’s life goals had been a major change to begin with, but the changes were massive. Now Anna had grown up just as driven as before but with a new goal, landing a rich husband. She had learned what boys liked and figured out how to use it to get what she wanted. The new Anna or Annie as she called herself, was a far cry from her previous self. Vain, self obsessed and manipulative as she now was Annie had made herself into any man’s wet dream and had her pick of rich bachelors. As they fought for her affections she realised she didn’t need to work as these men were willing to pay her way in life for her. Before long she had settled down with the richest of the lot of them and took great pleasure in her life of luxury.
James on the other hand was in exactly the same situation, just finding out how to manipulate reality and wanting to turn his girlfriend Suzanne into his little trophy wife. It is unfortunate really that he doesn’t remember his mistakes, so he will never learn from them.


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