Role With It - Finding Her Clique

I wrote this one as a gift to Evie Hyde for her wonderful gift of twitter captions

"How could you do this to yourself Evelyn? You're such a smart girl, why would you reduce yourself to this?" Amy was in shock as she looked at her to best friend. Gone was the plain but ridiculously book smart Evelyn that she knew and loved, in her place was an admittedly stunning blonde girl with an icy look on her perfectly made up face.

"Oh I'm nowhere near the dumb blonde that you clearly think I am Amy, I'm still sharp as ever. I just decided to apply myself differently..." Evelyn began.

"Before, I was a complete nobody, but this Role With It game that I got for Christmas changed everything. it showed me that to really be a somebody I needed to pick a clique and really apply myself. 

I knew as soon as I drew my card that being the new Queen of the Plastics was the perfect role for me." She monologued, flexing her manicured fingers across her chest. "It made so much sense, my brains combined with flawless beauty, what could be better? Now instead of using my smarts for science I would rather use them to become popular, adored and even feared. It turned me on just thinking about bullying and manipulating all of those morons at school into doing whatever I want them to. I wasn't boring Evelyn anymore, I was reborn as Evie and don't I look good!"

"But there isn't a clique of plastics at school..." Amy trailed off as she saw the hint of mischief in Evie's eyes.

 "I know... at least not yet... That's why I invited you over... The game gave me a couple of spare cards to give to whoever I want and I thought it would be fitting for you to be the first to join my clique... I sure as hell wouldn't be seen with a loser like you otherwise!" said Evie, placing a small white card in Amy's hand.

Amy found herself compelled turn over the card and read the writing on the other side of the card, deeply internalising every word written on the card and realising it was telling her who she needed to be.

"I left some more... fitting... clothes out for you upstairs... they should make you feel more like yourself..." Evie said with a grin, knowing exactly what thoughts were percolating around in Amy's head, invading every part of her being. 

Amy immediately ran upstairs and began putting on the outfit that was laid out in front of her, all the time her physical form was changing, echoing the changes that had already cemented themselves in her mind. Her skin smoothed and tanned, losing any and all blemishes and imperfections. Her hair grew down to the small of her back, with a shine and luster it had never known before. Looking in the mirror she found herself already wearing flawlessly applied make-up.

"Perfection as always!" She said aloud to herself as she vainly checked herself out, with a look of superiority that indicated she was now truly a plastic, inside and out.

"Now I think we need to go and see that nerdy soon to be ex-boyfriend of yours and bully him into doing all of our homework, that way we can spend our time doing something worthwhile." interjected Evie who had been watching from the door.

"Mmmmh I can't wait to put that loser his place and trade up to someone better." Amiee purred with a bitchy smile, daydreaming of all the hot boys that she could replace him with.

It wouldn't take long for the newly minted plastics to take over the school and ensure that they were loved and feared in equal measure. They would have everyone of value wrapped around their fingers within the week and could do as they pleased without fear of reproach. 

Despite their newfound power, there was still a nagging feeling in the back of Evie's mind. Who to give the final card that would make their clique truly complete? 


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